
Adventure Time with Morgan and Marvin 24

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Hoy tuve la misma pesadilla que todas las noches desde hace varias semanas; Marvin y otros seres me rodeaban y observaban he levantado sudado.

Después de comer he ido hasta Marvin para colocarle la gema en su caparazón mientras los demás me seguían con la mirada, cuando la gema se ha hundido en uno de los huecos de su caparazón ha empezado a iluminarse como una luciérnaga, haciendo estallar la gema.



Today I had the same nightmare I've had every night for a few weeks; Marvin and other beings surrounded me and observed me closely... I woke up sweating.

After eating I went towards Marvin to place the gem on his shell while the rest followed me with their eyes, and when the gem sank into one of his shell's cavities he started lighting up like a firefly, making the gem blow up.

PHOTO: I hope he doesn't blow up
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